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2. Flying and Data Acquisition
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Update WingtraOne
1. Getting Started with Wingtra
Product specification
Quickstart guide (EN)
2. Flying and Data Acquisition
Safety Guidelines
Regulations overview
Payloads and Their Settings
Charging of WingtraOne
Flight Preparation
Flight planning
Advanced flight planning
Workflow with Specialty Cameras
3. Geotag your Data
WingtraOne Non-PPK workflow
WingtraOne PPK workflow
4. Process Your Data
Photogrammetry processing
RGB Imagery Processing
Multispectral Data Processing
WingtraPilot - Troubleshooting
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2. Flying and Data Acquisition
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Update WingtraOne
1. Getting Started with Wingtra
Product specification
Quickstart guide (EN)
2. Flying and Data Acquisition
Safety Guidelines
Regulations overview
Payloads and Their Settings
Charging of WingtraOne
Flight Preparation
Flight planning
Advanced flight planning
Workflow with Specialty Cameras
3. Geotag your Data
WingtraOne Non-PPK workflow
WingtraOne PPK workflow
4. Process Your Data
Photogrammetry processing
RGB Imagery Processing
Multispectral Data Processing
WingtraPilot - Troubleshooting
2. Flying and Data Acquisition
Safety Guidelines
Environmental conditions
Safety parameters
Warranty disclaimer
Regulations overview
FAQ- FAA UAV regulations
FAQ EASA UAS Regulations
OPRN (Operator Registration Number)
Payloads and Their Settings
Set up RGB61
RX1: General Information Guide
Set up Oblique Sony a6100 camera
Set up Sony a6100 nadir camera
Set up Sony QX1 20MP camera on WingtraOne GEN I
Set up of the MicaSense RedEdge-P camera
Set up the MicaSense RedEdge MX camera
Set up the MicaSense Altum camera
WingtraOne SD cards
Set up MAP61
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Charging of WingtraOne
Charging WingtraOne drone batteries
Charging accessories
Charge Wingtra tablet and drone batteries in the field
Flight Preparation
Switch on and off Galaxy Tab Active3 and take screenshots
Starting with WingtraPilot
Handling of WingtraOne
WingtraPilot General Settings
Flight planning
Download maps for offline use
Create a new flight plan
How to plan a flight on your desktop computer
Import and export flight plan into/from WingtraHub
Using KML files for flight planning
Pre-flight checklist
Custom side overlap
Flight planning tools
How to choose the optimal flight direction
How to change the mission entry point in WingtraPilot
How to reuse previous missions/flight plans
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Advanced flight planning
Terrain following
Custom elevation data import
Corridor mapping
How to map small areas
How to fly large projects
Flying in windy conditions
Flying BVLOS behind mountains or buildings
Flying in mines
Flying in terrain with obstacles / buildings / forest
Flying at high altitudes (>1500 m above mean sea level)
How to collect data in densely vegetated areas
Flying BVLOS
Flying in dynamic terrains
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Flight modes and in-flight interactions
Flight feedback
Battery Health Check
Pause and resume
Reposition WingtraOne for landing using in-app controls
Manual flying with the remote control
Failsafe scenarios
Flight time, coverage and job time with the WingtraOne
Low battery RTH and flight time
Best practices for maintaining telemetry connection while flying
How the transition height affects the flight time
WingtraOne data organization
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Workflow with Specialty Cameras
Data acquisition with WingtraOne RedEdge MX
Data acquisition with WingtraOne RedEdge-P
Data acquisition with WingtraOne and Altum
Altum firmware update
LIDAR General Setup
Capturing data with Wingtra LIDAR
Processing Data in Wingtra LIDAR App
LIDAR firmware update
LIDAR Data Capture - Best practices
Best practices for flying in high altitude with Wingtra LIDAR
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