How to collect data in densely vegetated areas

When flying over dense vegetation you might need to adapt some settings to acquire good data.

Whether you're flying with multispectral cameras or with RGB, you might have trouble when processing dense vegetation.

Similar to what happens when processing salt mines, sand or snow with low texture, the photogrammetry software may come across issues with finding matching points. 

Increasing overlaps (front and side)

To avoid having trouble with the reconstruction of the dense point cloud, we suggest increasing the overlap you're generally using. If you're used to flying with a 70/70 overlap please increase to 85/70 in order to obtain more information for the photogrammetry software.

Keep in mind that increasing the side overlap will bring the lines closer and thus, take more flight time to map the same area. 

The front overlap does not influence the flight time, although you'll find more pictures taken over the same area.

In some cases, increasing the front overlap will raise a warning in WingtraPilot (or in WingtraHub if you're planning on your desktop) since the camera may not be able to trigger all the pictures flying at that altitude. For this, you can increase the flight altitude however, this will result in a lower GSD.

Increasing Flight Altitude

In some cases where the texture is difficult to recreate in a photogrammetry software, it's suggested to fly higher to obtain more information on every picture. This can help to identify matching points.

Fly diagonal to the vegetation

If you're flying over a plantation, it's recommended to fly diagonally to the vegetation lines. Avoiding flying in the same lines will help the photogrammetry software create a more accurate orthomosaic.