9. How to enroll in a Wingtra GEN II online course

Learn how to enroll in a GEN II online course using the link provided by Wingtra.

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Once you purchase the GEN II online course, you will receive an email from Wingtra with the subject "Your Wingtra GEN II Basic (or Advanced) online course." In the email, you will find the link (see image below) to enroll in your course.

Please use the following link to enroll in your Basic Operator training:

  • The link can be used six different times.
  • The link can be used by six different users (accounts).

After clicking on the link, to complete the enrollment steps, follow the instructions below:

1. Click the provided link to enroll in the course.

  • The link will lead you to the WingtraCourses login web page.

2. Create an account on WingtraCourses or log in with your existing one:

3. After signing up, to complete your purchase and to enroll in the course, click on Enroll Now.

4. Congratulations! You have successfully enrolled in a course. Enjoy the training.

The overview of your courses can be seen on Your Student Dashboard.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Wingtra Support at support@wingtra.com


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