8. How to activate a Wingtra extended service licence?

This article describes the procedure of activating the Accidental Drone Protection, Total Maintenance Plan, Second Year Warranty or PPK licence.

How to activate an extended service license?

  1. Go to the web page Register your WingtraOne.
  2. On the Register your WingtraOne web page, in the Activate a license section, click on the button Activate.
  3. The form to activate the license will open. Fill in the form using your details and the license key provided by Wingtra.
  4. If you have an additional license to activate, for the same drone, click on the button "Activate additional license".
  5. To finish the activation, click on the Submit button.
  6. Check your email inbox for the confirmation email with the license activation details.

Congratulations, your license has been successfully activated!

If you are having difficulties with the activation of your license, please contact the Wingtra Support team at support@wingtra.com.


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