How to present Wingtra's end-to-end solution top of the funnel
1. Introduce Wingtra at a Partner event or for a single client
- 30min introduction (slide deck incl. Cloud Demo) and Q&A
- 1h Field Demo (highly encouraged but optional), demo check list and Known limitation doc
2. Present Wingtra on the Show Floor
- 5-10min How to present Wingtra on the show floor and "hot lead form"
📚 Ressources
🖥️ Training Material
End to End Pitch Deck - 🔗
Explanatory video and Demo dry run for the "How to present Wingtra on shows" - 🔗
🎬 Videos
Playlist | Basic Workflows - here
Here you will find four videos, how to set-up a site? / how to plan a flight? / how to set-up ground? / how to process a flight?
Playlist | Advanced Cloud Features (scrappy, mainly for internal & partners. Single videos can be shared 1on1 with customers) - 🔗
Playlist | Up-to-date Exhibition compilation (polished, public to be used at shows by Wingtra & partners) - Here
⚙️ Product Ressources
WingtraGROUND - 🔗
📰 Updates
18-02-25 | Source of truth in KB created (André)