Process WingtraOne images with Pix4Dmapper

Learn how to process WingtraOne images with Pix4Dmapper photogrammetry software

To process a project with Pix4Dmapper please follow the step by step instructions. You may use the PPK tutorial data for a sample project.

General recommendations

  • WingtraOne data sets, in particular from its RX1R II payload, can be very large. Please make sure to have enough computing resources available.
  • We recommend >= 32GB RAM, >6 core and enough high-speed SSD storage. For complete specifications please refer to the Pix4D support page.
  • Speedy processing can be done in the Pix4D cloud.
  • Important note: For processing with the correct image coordinate system of WingtraOne PPK data, and for custom project settings like GCPs or special output formats, you cannot use the Pix4d cloud directly. You have to setup the project using the desktop version and upload the project from within Pix4dmapper Pro.

Step 1—open Pix4Dmapper and create a new project



Step 2—select images

Click select images or select directories to add either specific images or all images inside one folder. Browse to the OUTPUT folder of your WingtraPilot project. You may incorporate images from multiple projects by adding them subsequently.


Step 3 (only for WingtraOne PPK images)—adjust the coordinate system of the images

When processing WingtraOne images without PPK you can go directly to Step 5.

The default Pix4D image vertical coordinate system is not correct for WingtraOne PPK flight images!


To adjust the correct coordinate system please click on "Edit." In the popup select "Advanced Coordinate Options" and choose "Geoid Height Above WGS 84 Ellipsoid [m]" and enter 0.0 m as the offset.



The above applies to PPK geotagged images, for which the base location refers to WGS 84. If the base location refers to a different coordinate system, such as NAD 83, then this should be selected as the horizontal coordinate system.

Step 4 (only for WingtraOne PPK images)—import accuracies for image positions

To ensure successful processing with the highest precision, import position accuracy information from the *.csv file in the OUTPUT folder of your project. Click select "From File" (1) define the file format latitude, longitude and altitude, and browse (2) to the *.csv file of your project and open the respective file (3). If you imported multiple projects you can select the respective *.csv files sequentially. Note: to ensure the correct *.csv file structure, please make sure to have selected the Pix4D .csv file type in the WingtraHub or WingtraPilot settings.


When adding multiple geolocation CSVs for non-geotagged images, it is advised to start with the CSV covering the largest flight (i.e. the one with the most number of images).

Step 5—define output coordinate system

Select your desired output coordinate system. In case you want to import GCPs or check points, the output coordinate system needs to be the one in which you measured your ground control points. Note, you can change it later when importing the points.


Step 6—select processing template

Select your desired processing template, which defines the resolution and quality of the output, the required computing resources, and the desired outputs of processing. As a default setting, the predefined "3D Maps" template is a good option. The processing options can be changed after you've pressed "Finish" and stored your project as a personal template to be directly accessible in the future.


Step 7 (optional)—select the Accurate Geolocation and Orientation pipeline

In the Processing Options, you can select the Calibration method. The default Standard method provides high accuracy results. However, the accurate geolocation and orientation information that WingtraOne images have allow the use of the Accurate Geolocation and Orientation pipeline in Pix4Dmapper. Using this pipeline increases the processing speed.

Step 8—option 1—generate basic output

Now you can start the processing. Make sure to have all three process steps selected and start the processing of the project by clicking "Start," or continue with Step 8.


Step 8—option 2—generate output including check points or ground control points (GCPs)

Start the the processing step 1 of Pix4dmapper. After completing the initial processing import and marking your GCPs (for more details please check out Pix4d support—how to add and mark GCPs). Make sure you select the correct coordinate system for your GCPs. Depending on the purpose of your GCPs, you may add them as check points only. Checkpoints will not affect the processing result but will enable you to check the accuracy of your results. After importing and marking your GCPs, re-optimize the results and run processing steps 2 and 3 of Pix4Dmapper by clicking "Start."

Step 9 (optional)—process in Pix4D cloud

To save computing resources or process multiple projects in parallel, you can upload the projects from Pix4Dmapper to the cloud and process them there. If you defined the project correctly in Step 7, it will consider your custom outputs and GCPs even when processing in the cloud. Click on "Project/Upload Project Files" and select "Start Processing" before clicking "Upload." Note: upload speeds are considerably higher compared to uploading in the browser interface of Pix4D cloud.

